Thursday 24 September 2015


She was your doll, you, her hero. She used to adore you like no one else. You were her first best friend, her first love. Whenever you would leave the city for a few days for work, she always used to have tears in her eyes. Whenever you used to be late to get back home, she used to wait for you, her eyes moving like a pendulum - once at the clock and once at the door. And before going to bed she used to run into your arms, kiss your cheeks and gleefully say,"Goodnight Daddy!" She was your flesh and blood. She was the living evidence of your love for your wife. She should have been safer with you than with anyone else in this whole wide world. Then how could you? How could your hands undress her, the same hands which once used to set her diapers in place? How could your fingers explore her, the same fingers which she held to learn to walk to explore different places? How could you kiss her with the same mouth which refused to take in a morsel of food if something happened to her? How could you lay your eyes on her, the ones which used to check if she is okay, every now and then? How could you sleep with her forgetting the days you used to lull her to sleep in your arms? HOW COULD YOU, BEING A FATHER, RAPE YOUR OWN DAUGHTER? You were supposed to protect her from the outside world goddamn it! Not to make her a toy for your evil intentions yourself. How could you? Just how? 

She thought you to be her best friend. She used to look up at you always. Yes, she did fight with you, but she loved you the most too. Whenever she used to cross the road, she used to hold your hand out of sheer habit. Any complaint against anyone bullying her in school or complex, she knew just that one person whom she could run to, it was you. Whenever she looked up to you she only had respect and trust for you. She shared every detail about her life with you: her list of crushes, her guy friends, her girlfriends and their boyfriends too. She tried most of her firsts with you: first long drive, first late night movie, first drink...but the first kiss and losing her virginity by doing it for the first time was not what she had intended to do with you. But you did. HOW COULD YOU? HOW COULD YOU, BEING AN ELDER BROTHER, RAPE YOUR LITTLE SISTER? Your parents had entrusted you with her responsibility. You were the one giving away warnings to all the wrong guys who loitered around her. You were a father figure to her. You were supposed to push away the guys who tried to harm her and not push your manliness into her, you coward! How could you? Just how?

She held you for the first time when you were just a few minutes old. She could finally see you, feel you and touch you. She used to talk to you through the womb of her mother. You liked that, that is what your mum would tell her. After you came home, she was the one who was most excited. When she used to be at home, she used to spend her entire time with you, watching you and playing with you. She had even insisted on taking you to school with her after a few days of your coming home, and she cried a lot when she wasn't allowed. She could not stand letting you out of her sight. Whenever you would pull her hairs and you would get a scolding for that, she used to feel guilty, feel it was a small mistake of yours which she could have overlooked. But how could you not realise that pulling hairs and pulling off her dress are two different things? How could you not realise that the scar on her forehead because of you, which was still visible after years, was nothing compared to the invisible scar you put on her life? She always protected you from bullies when you were a kid. Then how could you indulge yourself in an act where she herself needed protection from you? HOW COULD YOU? HOW COULD YOU, BEING A YOUNGER BROTHER, RAPE YOUR ELDER SISTER? She loved you more than she loved her parents. She sacrificed so many things for you just for your smile. She brought you up like her baby. And in return what do you give her? Ceaseless pain,  a lifelong reason to be ashamed, and your dick inserted into her, you shitty creature? How on Earth could you? Just how?

Could this be the end of the treachery by the different relations? Or are there more? Wait for the next part to find out...

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