Sunday 4 October 2015


She was the best juggler in the world. She ranked #1 in the juggling business. She could manipulate people, hypnotise them and get her will done. Wherever she went people followed her, just like rats had followed the 'Pied Piper of Hamelin'. Her fragrance lured people. They could perform acts risking their own lives and even take someone else's life for her sake. They could do the best of the deeds and even the worst of the crimes just to possess her.

In some hearts, she instilled love; and in many hatred, jealousy and anger. Be it when she was young - crisp and beautiful; or be it when she is old - wrinkled and shabby, her value has not changed. Over the days, months and years she is being handed down from one person to another, she is being used, stains cover her body, but still people feel delighted on having her. They praise her and worship her like no one else. They handle her as if she is a fragile, delicate being and adore her like she is their only love. She rules their hearts and casts such a magic spell that makes sure that no one can take her place in their lives.  

She has made many families, many families have broken coz of her. She has brought many friends close and have turned many to foes. Many have fulfilled their dreams with her presence, but her absence has crushed many of them too. Those who have her always have had the undue advantage - a better lu
ck, a bigger confidence. This is the reason why people run after her like wild, mad bull who runs after the colour 'Red'. Having her standing beside them is the biggest security they can feel. They feel as if nothing can go wrong. 

SHE; who has the power to be placed equally with GOD or maybe even above Him is none other than the 'MONEY' itself. Money; the main cause behind the happiness as well as the misery of the people. When it comes to theory, people will say money  is not that important, but in reality every deed done by a human has a monetary interest hidden in it. People will say 'money can't buy happiness' whereas in today's life everything that makes us happy can be bought only by money. It's strange to see that today, even within families, if you have money, only then you have respect, or else you get looks like "Who are you?" The rich always have the say and the poor is just deemed to follow.

However, exceptions are there just like in every other field. There still exists people who try to find love and happiness not in materialistic things but in the small things of life. They do not run after money, they are satisfied with whatever they have. Instead of cribbing about lack of money they live a laid back life and enjoy every moment that comes their way. 

Money has a strange luck, which could be called a cursed one. One moment it is placed very high, but when asked to describe it, it is called 'the dirt of hands' which is there just for fun. It acts like a whore in one's life, where people use it just to enjoy themselves and nothing more. They use it for their happiness, their satisfaction and once it is done they do not hesitate to hand it down to others who again uses her in the same way.

Think about it. Is MONEY really worth of so much of attention?


  1. Money is just a medium, like many more things in life. It's just that we need to put blame on something we choose money. Now to answer if money is worth so much attention, I'll like to put it this way. For a person with a fifty grand salary ten rupees is just a round-off figure and at the very same time, for a daily-wage worker attempting to get a meal on the table, ten rupees is nothing short of a pirates' treasure.
    I am not sure if you are employed or not . . . . assuming you are not, I'd suggest "earning a buck teaches its value" God bless dear. Keep writing.

    1. Hii Ravish...
      Nope, I do not earn. But I am well aware how important money is. My concern in this write-up was the misuse of money. People who have money get admission quickly,the poorer but the more deserving don't get a chance. If you are rich, people will bow down in front of you. However, if you are poor, they will stamp on you and walk away.
      Here money portrayed in the way of how it is misused. It is undoubtedly important, but then again the differences created by it because of people's thinking is wrong. And K have asked the readers to think about that...wether it has that importance or not.
      But thanks for reading and sharing your point.

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